3:1 kicker system
To rig the 3:1 Worlds Kicker System (B) firstly attach the
smaller block with the twisted shackle onto the metal ring
on the underside of the boom. Then clip the main kicking
strap block to the mast.
(The kicker should be supplied pre-rigged as described
here; One end of the kicking strap rope attached to the
block on the boom. The rope runs down to the main block
and under the sheave at the top of this block then back up
over the sheave on the boom block and then back down
and through the main block and out through the jamming
cleat. And a loop handle tied into the end of the rope).
2:1 halyard loop
(see notes and images on page 7)
4:1 outhaul
To rig the 4:1 outhaul (D), drill a hole through the gooseneck
and attach block with stopper knot.
Attach the outhaul carbine hook in the clew cringle of the
sail. Thread the outhaul line through the boom end fitting
and tie off with a figure of eight knot. Feed line through
boom end fitting as illustrated. Using the remaining line in
pack D attach the carbine to the kicker fitting, lead the rope
back along the boom to the block attached to the rope
from the sail clew. This line is then brought forward through
the cam cleat through the pulley to allow adjustment from
the cockpit.
clamcleat with loop
attached to adapter plate
drill hole through gooseneck and
attach block with stopper knot
attach adapter plate with 5mm monal rivets supplied.
use original v cleat holes
Owners manual Topper 8/2/06 12:34 Page 13