Proaim Cambird Pro Slider Jib can be used as Video DSLR Camera Slider, Mini Jib,
Tower or Hi-Hat and offers vast range of possible angles and features which make it
extremely functional. Proaim Cambird Pro is an All-in-One performance package
with solidity of each and every part to improve the quality of your work. Cambird
Pro supports cameras up to 10kg/22lb making it ideal for new breed of DSLR’s, ENG
and lightweight HD cameras. The exceptional construction gets transformed
instantly from a Camera Slider to Jib Arm to Tower and all the more
What’s In The Box
Please inspect the contents of your shipped package to ensure you have received
everything that is listed below.
Rail With Dolly
Fork with Wedge Plate
End Feet
Crank handle
Jib Arm
4Pc Counterweights
10Pc Counterweights
8Pc Counterweights
Flight Case with Wheels
2Pc Counterweights
Weight Rod
Hub Locking