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2. Keep hands and fingers away from the grinding area. Any
part of body coming in contact with moving parts could
cause injury.
3. Never use a tool with a cracked or worn grinding wheel.
Change the grinding wheel before using. Use only flanges
supplied with the grinder.
4. Before using the tool on a workpiece, test the tool by running
it at the highest no-load speed for at least 60 seconds in a
safe position. Stop immediately if there is any abnormal
vibration or wobbling that could indicate poor installation of
the grinding wheel. Check the tool to determine the cause.
5. Do not start the tool when the grinding wheel is touching
the workpiece.
6. Never force the tool. Excessive pressure could break the tool,
resulting in damage to your workpiece or serious personal
injury. If your tool runs smoothly under no load, but does
not run smoothly under load, then excessive pressure is
being used.
7. Do not allow the tool’s motor to overload and/or overheat
by taking work breaks.
8. This tool will not stop moving immediately. Do not leave
the tool unattended until it has come to a complete stop.
9. Never touch the grinding wheel or workpiece during or
immediately after use. The grinding wheel or workpiece will
be too hot to be touched by bare hands.
10. Clean dust and debris from beneath the grinding
wheels frequently.
11. Do not stand directly in front of the machine when turning it
ON. Always stand off to the side of the machine and do not
allow any part of your body to be in line with the wheel’s path.
12. Do not grind magnesium or aluminum, as a fire may result.