This leaflet is designed for quick reference only, and the
user will have to refer to the User Guides for both Sirius
and Nebula for detailed information. Nebula is the Pro-Bel
router control system included with a Sirius Master router.
Connecting Your Router
See the rear view diagram included in this leaflet.
If ‘clean’ switching is required, an appropriate reference
must be connected such as an analogue video ‘black and
burst’ feed of either 625 line PAL, 525 line NTSC standard,
HDTV; or all three for a mixed standard system. A digital
audio router may require a balanced or unbalanced AES
reference if it is not being run synchronously with video.
To connect a Nebula database editor, use the ‘RS232 configuration port’ for ‘CTRL A’, this will work unless a
controller changeover has occurred, in which case the ‘CTRL B’ port must be used.
An external control system may be connected using an Ethernet or RS485 serial port. Ensure that the jumpers
on the 2434 control card are configured appropriately by referring to the ‘Configuring the control module’
section of the Sirius user guide.
Controlling Your Router
Every Sirius router must have at least one control card, this may be a 2434 or 2435. Two of the same type may
be fitted for redundancy. The 2434 card is the Nebula controller, which holds the system database. The 2435 is
an ‘interface’ card and is only fitted in frames that are ‘slaved’ to frames with a 2434 Nebula controller. The
only difference between the two card types is that the 2434 is fitted with a 2445 sub-board, and the 2435 is
There are two sets of switches on the router control card which determine the router operation, and these are
described in this leaflet. There is also a set of 8 HEX switches for ‘partitioning’ the router beyond a single level,
the user must refer to the Sirius user guide for such a configuration, however, if only one level is required these
switches are set to zero.
Control Card Switch Settings
Configuration switches on the 2434 card and the 2445 sub-board
Defines 2434
(with 2445)
Defines 2435
(without 2445)
3 & 4
ON: Master, OFF: Slave
2445 sub-board configuration switch
It is important that when configuring a control
module, the 2434 configuration switch 1 setting
matches the 2445 sub-board.
Getting Started Guide