505 556
PUB. DATE 11/02
8. Reducing the folds
[Input: pulses ]
Fold decrease:
Fig. 4.1.B
without correction
with correction
Entering nonzero value causes consecutive reduction of the fold length and correction of inaccuracy of
folding, fig. 4.1.B.
9. Time period of the back stroke
[Input: seconds]
Reverse operation:
It defines the time period of the ironer back stroke after pressing the key for the back stroke.
Following parameters are displayed only when connecting the cross folder and stacker.
10. Speed of the cross folder belts
Input: [ cm/min ]
Machine speed:
Motion speed of the cross folder inner belts. It is not advisable to change this value. Incorrect value causes
inaccurate cross folding.
11. Time for evaluation of linen „askew“
[Input:max 2 digits]
Max.askew ln.time:
Fig. 4.1.C
If the linen comes to the cross folder table askew, it will not be folded and goes behind the cross folder. This
fact is evaluated as the time period between contact of the left and right sensor above the table, fig. 4.1.C.
If this period is longer than this parameter, the linen will be evaluated as „askew“ and it will not be folded
and vice versa.
12. Correction of measuring the length by the cross folder
[Input:max 2 digits]
CF length corr.:
Parameter serves for measuring the length of linen in the cross folder and it is not advisable to change it.
Incorrect value causes inaccurate cross folding.
13. Distance for 2. fold
[Input:max 2 digits]
2nd cross fold:
It defines moment of doing 2. cross fold. The higher is the value, the later the second fold will be done and
vice versa. By this parameter it is possible to set 2. fold exactly in the middle for the most often used kind of
linen. This parameter involves only normal fold, because French fold is done in one third, not in the half of
linen. If only two folds are done, then different parameter is used instead of this one – see item 15.
14. Distance for 3. fold
[Input:max 2 digits]
3rd cross fold:
It defines moment of doing 3. cross fold. The higher is the value, the later the third fold will be done and vice
versa. By this parameter it is possible to set 3. fold exactly in the middle for the most often used kind of linen.
15. Distance when doing 2 folds
[Input:max 2 digits]
2nd fold (2 only):
It defines moment of doing 2. cross fold in case that only 2 folds are done. The higher is the value, the later
the second fold will be done and vice versa. By this parameter it is possible to set 2. fold exactly in the
middle for the most often used kind of linen. If 3 folds are done, then this parameter is not important.
16. Time of the stacker conveyer running
[Input: seconds]
Conveyor time:
Time of running of the stacker driving out conveyer. It is convenient to set the time in such a way, that the
stack of driven out linen is stopped on the sensor at the end of conveyer and it causes the acoustic signal.
By this time period is also possible to set how many stacks of linen can be on the conveyer at the same
time. The longer is the period, the less stack can be on the conveyer and vice versa.