This manual describes the installation and use of the CD-R Business
Card Adapter Kit for the Disc Publisher II, XR and AutoPrinter II
(referred to hereafter as the “Unit”).
NOTE: The Business Card Adapter Kit is designed to work with the
above units only. If you have the Disc Publisher Pro, please use the Pro
Make sure that you have the following items in this box:
CD Business Card/ Mini CD 80mm Input Bin
“Hockey Rink” Card Input Bin
Output Ring
CD Business Card Tray Template Assembly
Mini Disc 80mm and “Hockey Rink” Tray Template Assembly
9 Sample Discs
Drive Templates for use with DVD units with serials numbers
greater than 2060600000, when burning hockey rink or business
card discs.
Remove original 120mm Input Bin and place the appropriate Card/
Mini Disc Input Bin on the right side of the unit with the opening in
the bin to the rear.
If the opening in the bin is not toward the
rear, the Robotic Disc Transporter will not be able to pick
from the bin.
Figure 1: Input Bins
Place Output Ring in the center of the Output Bin on the left side
of the unit as shown in Figure 3.
With the Front Cover of the unit closed, press the Cartridge
Button. The Printer Tray will open. Open the Front Cover and
install the appropriate Printer Tray Template in the Printer Tray
as shown in Figure 3. The front of the Template has molded tabs
that fit into locating slots found toward the front of the Printer
Tray. When properly installed, the metal clamp moves forward to
hold the card in place as the Printer Tray retracts into the printer.
Figure 3: Adapter Kit
5. Press the eject button to open the DVD drive. Place the Business
Card or Hockey Rink template into the tray. The templates are labeled
“Hockey Rink” or “Business Card”. For best results, it may be necessary
to remove the strips of tape that are affixed to the bottom of the drive
Important Note: Step 5 is only necessary if you have a DVD unit with
a serial number greater than 2060600000 and you are burning Hockey
Rink or Business Card discs. 80 mm discs do not require this step.
“Hockey Rink” Card Input Bin
CD Business Card/ Mini CD
Input Bin
Rear Opening
For Arm
“Hockey Rink” and Business
Card Template
Mini Disc Template
Figure 2: Printer Tray Templates
Input Bin
Printer Tray
Front Cover