610 Gateway Center Way, Suites J & K
San Diego, CA 92102 USA
P: 1 619 263 4164
F: 1 619 263 6814
APS Australia
U48 / 9 Vision Street,
Wangara WA 6065 Australia
P: 61 (8) 9302 2369
F: 61 (8) 6305 0047
APS: Singapore
Routing of the cable should start at the sensor. Allow for a small service loop
in the cable at the sensor and secure the cable every few feet (~1M) with tie
wraps. When ready to enter the cab, drill a 1” (24mm) hole and feed the display
connector through. The remaining length of cable is then routed to the display
unit and the connectors are latched together. Care should be taken to not route
the cable next to heat sources such as the engine and exhausts and areas that
may see abrasion or rock damage.
Initial System Power Up and Test
Once the sensor and display are installed, wired, and connected, power should be
applied to test correct system operation. When the system is operating correctly
in an open field with no obstructions, the status LED indicating green will be the
only light illuminated. If any of the detection (yellow) LED’s are lit, check for any
vehicle obstruction which may be detected by the sensor. If possible move the
sensor so it is not detecting the object(s). If it is not possible to relocate the sensor
then consult Preco Customer Service.
If for some reason the system is malfunctioning, one of the yellow LED’s will be
illuminated, the status LED will turn from green to red, and the buzzer will make
a short stutter sound. Refer to the Error Indications and Troubleshooting sections
below to determine the error and solution.
Once the system has been installed, the detection zone should be tested. This
test should be performed with two people, one who remains in the cab (the
operator), and one who walks through the sensor field at the rear of the vehicle
(the assistant). The operator engages the parking brake, depresses the vehicle
brake, and places the vehicle in reverse. The assistant then walks through the
detection zone while the operator in the vehicle cab notes where the display
buzzer activates. By moving about the rear of the vehicle and noting when the
display buzzer activates, an accurate detection zone can be mapped.