The device can store up to 6 recordings. When the memory of the monitor is full, the monitor will emit
10 fast beeps
Please contact the Monitoring Center to transmit recorded events at this time.
If you attempt to record further events, the device will emit 10 fast beeps, indicating you must first transmit the
current data
Press Here
Memory Full
After each recording is stored, the data should be transmitted to the Monitoring Center.
Call 888.500.3522. For the best quality, transmit recordings from a land line phone.
When instructed by a technician, hold the device’s speaker over the telephone’s
Press the
button until you hear an audible tone, immediately release.
When the tone stops, the transmission is complete. Pick up the phone to speak with
the technician and verify the transmission was received successfully.
If the transmission was successful, no further action is required. You can continue to
use the monitor as directed.
Transmitting an Event