Salmon, Trout, Steelhead, and other fish except Tuna
Remove head, tail, and fins. Wash fish in cold water.
Raw Pack: Split fish lengthwise and then cut into lengths that fit the jar size being used. Bones can be
left in and skin left on, if desired. For halibut, remove the bones and skin. Pack fish tightly in
hot jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Add ½ teaspoon canning salt to each half-pint jar,
1 teaspoon to each pint jar, if desired. DO NOT ADD LIQUID. Clean jar rims. Position lids
and secure with bands .
Dial Gauge Canner:
Process at 11 pounds pressure, half-pints and pints 100 minutes . For processing above
2,000 feet altitude, see page 12 for recommended pounds pressure .
Weighted Gauge Canner:
Process at 10 pounds pressure, half-pints and pints 100 minutes . For processing
above 1,000 feet altitude, see page 12 for recommended pounds pressure .
Remove viscera and clean fish thoroughly. Tuna may be canned either raw or precooked. Precooking re-
moves most of the strong-flavored, natural oils.
Hot Pack: Place tuna belly-side down on a rack in the bottom of a large baking pan . Bake at 350°F for
1 hour. Refrigerate cooked fish overnight to firm the meat. Remove skin. Cut meat away
from bones; cut out and discard bone, fin bases, and dark flesh. Quarter the pieces; cut
quarters crosswise into lengths that fit the jar size being used. Add ½ teaspoon canning salt
to each half-pint jar, 1 teaspoon to each pint jar, if desired. Pack fish into hot jars, pressing
down gently to make a solid pack, leaving 1-inch headspace. Add water or oil to jars, leaving
1-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Clean jar rims. Position lids and secure with bands.
Raw Pack: Remove skin. Separate the meat into quarters by cutting the meat away from bones. Cut out
and discard bone, fin bases, and dark flesh. Cut quarters crosswise into lengths that fit the jar
size being used. Add ½ teaspoon canning salt to each half-pint jar, 1 teaspoon to each pint
jar, if desired. Pack fish into hot jars, pressing down gently to make a solid pack, leaving
1-inch headspace . DO NOT ADD LIQUID. Clean jar rims. Position lids and secure with
bands .
Dial Gauge Canner:
Process at 11 pounds pressure, half-pints and pints 100 minutes . For processing
above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 12 for recommended pounds pressure .
Weighted Gauge Canner:
Process at 10 pounds pressure, half-pints and pints 100 minutes . For processing
above 1,000 feet altitude, see page 12 for recommended pounds pressure .
Pressure canning is the only safe method for canning stock and soup.
Stock and soup are quickly and easily canned . Generally, vegetable soups are more satisfactory if the stock and vegetables are canned
separately and combined at the time of serving .
Saw or crack fresh trimmed beef bones to enhance extraction of flavor. Rinse bones.
Hot Pack: Place bones in a large pot and cover with water . Cover pot and simmer 3 to 4 hours .
Remove bones. Cool broth; skim off and discard fat. Remove bits of meat from bones and
add to broth, if desired. Reheat broth to boiling. Fill hot jars with hot broth, leaving 1-inch
headspace. Remove air bubbles. Clean jar rims. Position lids and secure with bands.
Dial Gauge Canner:
Process at 11 pounds pressure, pints 20 minutes and quarts 25 minutes . For process-
ing above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 12 for recommended pounds pressure .
Weighted Gauge Canner:
Process at 10 pounds pressure, pints 20 minutes and quarts 25 minutes . For
processing above 1,000 feet altitude, see page 12 for recommended pounds pressure .