MultiPad 7.0 Prime Duo 3G | PMP7170B3G_DUO
When Edit option is activated on the shelf it’s possible to mark any book on any shelf just by clicking on
a cover. Then other options will help to Move or Delete chosen content.
Reading a book.
To read a book it’s enough to press on its cover on a shelf.
Settings options can be opened via Context menu icon .
Book info.
Display information about the book
. Return to the most interesting places in a book with a bookmarks made.
By default any book is read in Day mode (white b black font). It can be easily switched to
a night mode to keep user’s eyes in safe.
. Allows to find a word or expression in the text of a book.
. Customization option to get the reading experience in a comfortable way: Appearance, Text
size, Text font, Colors and Wallpapers, Scrolling and Indicators.
Open navigation panel to jump easily to any book page, adjust Brightness or set Font size with
one touch.
Any read book will appear on the main screen in Recent read section from the left side.