Data Safe Pro
User manual
Prestigio Data Safe Pro
HDD Temperature
Shows the temperature of the HDD is installed in Data Safe Pro. (In
case of SSD and some HDD models it may not show the temperature
HDD Usage Time
It shows the usage time of HDD installed in Data Safe Pro. The device
manages each usage time per HDD separately. If a users initializes an
HDD, HDD usage time is also initialized.
A‟ means the total usage time during which users perform data
reading and writing on the installed HDD. „T‟ means the total
cumulative time during which the installed HDD is connected to the
USB port regardless of performed process.
(„H‟: Hour / „M‟: Minute / „S‟: Second).
Note: HDD has a limited life-cycle.
It is always advisable to back up
important data.
‘HDD Usage Time’
info can be useful for you to check
and predict the life-cycle of your HDD.
USB Connection Speed
It shows the current USB port speed between Data Safe Pro and the