Detailed Descriptions:
External Components
RF Antenna / LED / Programming Port
The long-range antenna kit (included) plugs into a 6-pin connector on the Pres�ge module.
1. Mount the supplied antenna/receiver to a clear spot on the vehicle’s windshield that will not
block the driver’s vision. A suitable loca�on is high on the windshield near the rear-view mirror.
2. Be careful not to mount the antenna/receiver on any metallic window film, as this will affect
system range.
3. Route the antenna/receiver cable to the Pres�ge module, ensuring it does not block or interfere with deployment of
the airbag (if equipped.) Plug into the antenna port.
Data Bus Interface (DBI) Port
The 4-pin Data Bus Interface enables a FlashLogic door lock or transponder interface to connect to and communicate
with the vehicle data bus. The combined system saves installa�on �me as many features that normally require individual
connec�on can be accessed and controlled through the data bus. Please refer to the D2D (Data to Data) func�on list
available per vehicle at www.FlashLogic.com.
Telematics Interface
The 4-pin Telema�cs port enables a connected interface such as CarLink to expand system control to a smartphone or
tablet. The following features may be able to be ac�vated from a connected device:
Door Lock Control
Remote Start
Trunk Release
Auxiliary Output*
Sliding Doors*
Weblink Programming
This port can also be used to connect your FlashLogic Weblink for feature programming and so�ware upda�ng. Once
connected please visit
* Must be supported by FLCAN
FLCART Cartridge Port
This port is for installing the FlashLogic FLCART data immobilizer & door lock interface cartridge used to communicate
with the vehicle’s databus.
Weblink Programming Port
This 4-pin port is used for programming the FlashLogic FLCART interface cartridge via the FLPROG Weblink or Weblink
Mobile. Refer to the FlashLogic website for more details.
FLCART Harness Port
This port is for the harness included with the FLCART interface cartridge. Refer to the FlashLogic website for more details.