Large Network: Real-world Example
Network Connections
StudioLive™ Series III
AVB Networking Guide
Setting the Clock (NSB 8.8 only)
For the purposes of our example, the NSB 8.8 will be receiving Output
streams from the StudioLive 24R and so will clock to that device. This
will also patch the necessary Output Stream used in
Section 5.4
1. Launch UC Surface and connect to your StudioLive 24R.
2. Click or Tap on the Settings Gear.
3. Click or Tap on the Network tab.
4. In the Stagebox Setup area, select the NSB8.8 from the list.
5. Select StudioLive 24R: AVB Sends 41-48 from the
drop-down menu below ‘Output Stream.’
6. Press the Apply button when finished.