Connecting to a Computer
Installation for Windows
Studio 26c and Studio 68c
Owner’s Manual
Clocksource (Studio 68). Sets the digital clock source. From this menu, you
can set the clock source for your Studio 68 to be Internal or External S/PDIF.
Block Size. Sets the buffer size.
From this menu, you can set the buffer size from 64 to 2,048 samples.
Lowering the buffer size will lower latency; however, this will also increase
performance demands on your computer. In general, you will want to set
the buffer size as low as your system can safely support. If you begin to hear
pops, clicks, or distortion in your audio path, try raising the buffer size.
When adjusting the block size, the Safe mode will automatically
change to provide the best performance.
Loopback (Windows only). The Studio 26c/68c ASIO driver
provides two loopback streams to record audio from one application
to another. See Section 3.1.2 for more information.
File Menu. Manages devices connected to Universal Control.
Show All Devices. Launches all control windows for all
supported devices connected to your computer.
Close All Devices. Closes all open control windows.
Sign Out. Signs out of your My PreSonus user account.
Check for Updates... Connects to your My PreSonus user
account to check for updates for Universal Control.
Transfers. Displays recent downloads from your my PreSonus user account.
About Universal Control. Displays version and build date information.
Quit. Quits the Universal Control application and all hardware control windows.
Settings Menu. Provide customization options to
personalize your Universal Control experience.
Always on Top. Keeps the Universal Control Launch window on
top whether it is the currently active application or not.
Run at Startup. Launches Universal Control
automatically when your computer boots.
Preferences. Sets language and appearance options (see below).
Rescan Network. Scans the network and local transport bus
(USB or FireWire) for all supported PreSonus products.
Language. Sets the language (English, French, German,
Korean, Simplified Chinese, or Spanish).