Installation Guide
Installationsanleitung, Guía de Instalacíon, Guida de Installazione, Guide d’Installation, Installatie gids
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Page 8
Use a power drill and 7/16” drill bit to drill a hole at
each of the marks.
Insert a steel stud anchor into each hole.
If necessary, lightly tap each steel stud anchor into
place with a hammer.
Use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten each steel
stud anchor screw until the legs have completely
compressed against the back of the steel stud.
The steel stud anchor screw will feel tight when
you first begin to turn it until the legs begin to
compress. The steel stud anchor screw will then
turn easier for several turns. The steel stud anchor
screw will again feel tight when the legs have
completely compressed against the back of the
drywall. Stop turning the steel stud anchor screw
at that point.
Do not overtighten the steel stud anchor screw.
Remove the steel stud anchor screws and set them