Step #7
Determine the number of splice trays that
are installed in the organizer and locate
the corresponding number on the lock
pin. Trim the lock pin at the notched
location just below the number.
NOTE: One side of the lock pin is numbered 1-12 for
thin profi le splice trays and the other side of the lock
pin is numbered 1-6 for deep profi le splice trays.
Step #8
Install the lock pin into the hinge brackets
as shown below.
Step #5
To secure the splice trays while they are
fl ipped up, attach the tethers from the button
tabs of the tether bracket to the button tabs
of the bottom splice tray that is fl ipped up.
Button Tabs
on Side of
Splice Tray
Button Tab
Button Tab
Step #6
When the tethers are not being used, they
can be stored on the tether bracket by
securing the loose ends of the tethers to
the middle button tab as shown below.
Button Tab
Step #4
Install the hinge bracket to the organizer
bar with the 1/4"-20 x 3/4" bolt, lock
washer, and the 1/4"-20 hex nut.