Model SG-100 Plasma Spray Gun
Operator’s Manual
Issued: 12/11
Page 36
G-4. Shaft Coupling
In some instances, certain combinations of powder characteristics
and wheel speed can cause harmonic oscillations of 1264 old style
electric motor shaft coupling (P/N 015117), producing pulsation.
Replace coupling with the new style flexible universal joint (P/N
can kill. Do NOT connect copper
wire to gun. Do NOT allow copper wire to touch the gun.
G-5. Static
Static causes powder to cling to the walls of the powder hose.
When sufficient powder buildup occurs, powder breaks loose and
causes pulsing.
Static buildup becomes more of a problem as humidity falls.
Winter is typically the worst season for static. Nonconductive
materials such as ceramics and polymers aggravate the problem.
Powder hose Part No. 0985-4-12AS can help prevent static. Or,
loosely spiral wrap a small, bare copper wire around the hose from
the hopper-to-hose connection to a point two inches behind the
gun. The copper wire drains the static charge. Take great care that
the copper wire does not touch the gun as this prevents the high
frequency arc starter from feeding back to the feeder circuit board.
G-6. Powder Tube
Replacing the straight powder tube (Part No. 01083B-210) with the
curved powder tube (Part No. 05004378) relieves pulsing problems
associated with hose dress. (Operators occasionally pull the
powder hose back too tightly, kinking the hose at the fitting and
partially blocking flow.)
When using straight powder tubes, allow feed hose to form a
natural bend at the tube to prevent internal diameter tube
distortion. Internal diameter tube distortion impedes flow. PST
developed curved feed tubes to alleviate this problem.