Standby and Boost:
The controller has two confi gurations for standby and boost modes:
auto or manual.
AUTO-STANDBY - controller goes to the preset standby set-point
temperature set in parameter (P15)
MANUAL-STANDBY - controller goes to the preset % power set in
parameter (P14).
The controller will remain in STANDBY mode until it is manually
changed to another mode, or by pressing *MODE SELECT* then *UP*
or *DOWN*.
AUTO-BOOST - controller goes to the preset BOOST set-point
temperature set in parameter (P12).
MANUAL-BOOST - controller goes to the preset % power set in
parameter (P13).
Controller will remain in BOOST mode until preset time has elapsed,
set in parameter (P11).
Error Reset:
Upon detection of TOH, TSH, or HIA, the controller must be powered
off, then on, to clear the error once the issue has been corrected.
Refer to Pg. 8 for error codes.
Parameter Changes:
1. Press the *PMTR* key until the desired parameter is reached. (List
of parameters is available on page 8).
2. Press the *UP* or *DOWN* key to change the options for the
selected parameter.
3. When complete, press the *ENTER* key to store to memory.
(Changes can be made to all parameters before pressing *ENTER*).
To exit at any time, press the *ENTER* key.