Section III Installation
3-1.Conditions for Use
Hangging Brake unit should be installed inside the house where is
Ambient condition should accord with the followings:
(1).Environmental temperature -10
to 50
Above 40
,the capacity will
decrease 3% by each 1
.So it is not advisable to use inverter above 50
(2).Preventing electromagnetic interference, away from the interference so
(3).Prevent dropping dust, powder, cotton fiber or fine metal powder from
entering it.
(4).Prevent oil, salt and corrosive gas from entering it.
(5).Avoid vibration.
(6).Avoid high temperature and moisture and avoid being wetted due to raining,
with the humidity below 90%RH (not dewing).
(7).Prohibit the use in the dangerous environment where inflammable or
combustible or explosive gas, liquid or solid exists.
3-2.Sharp size