Thank you for choosing this product.
This 150W solar panel is highly efficient, lightweight and versatile.
The operation guidance aims to give you a look at how this product could be used. More
research is always recommended so that you can create your own solar power system that
exactly meets your needs.
Operation Guidance:
Step 1:
Select a site to mount the solar panel. It is advised to install solar panel in a shade-
free location that has sunlight most of the day.
Step 2:
Mount and secure the panel. There are many ways to do this but what is most
important is to ensure that sunlight to the solar cells is not blocked. The simplest way is to
fix panel with hooks or rope via the pre-drilled mounting holes.
Step 3:
Set up your solar panel system and connect everything. The picture below provides
one example.
150W Solar Panel
12V Deep Cycle
12V Power Inverter
PMW Charger Cotroller