INFORMATION All -UPS 1400, 2200, 3000, and XL models have cooling
fans. Fan cooling runs during four normal, though in most cases infrequent,
modes of operation. These modes are listed as follows:
1 ) The fan is on whenever the UPS is operating on-battery.
2 ) The fan is on when the UPS' internal ambient temperature exceeds 60
F). When cooled to below 50
C (122
F), the fan is shut off.
3 ) The fan is on when the output load rises to above 75% of full rated
load. When the load is reduced to below 70% of full rated load, the fan is
shut off.
4 ) The fan is on when the battery charger is delivering power subsequent
to a utility outage.
Note: -UPS must be allowed 1" (2.5 cm) of clearance on all sides for
proper ventilation.
For information on heat dissipation (BTUs), please reference the Knowledge
Base document entitled "Thermal Dissipation Ratings for -UPS 3G
Models" => [Image].
6. General Receptacle Wiring Practices
INFORMATION: This document explains which voltages can be derived at the electrical outlet receptacle from the existing wiring found in common electrical
boxes for both residential and commercial applications. This information is applicable to the United States only, although Canadian applications will be similar.
The examples provided below are for information only.
Residential Applications:
Generally a 120 / 240 volt, three-wire system is used in residential
- 120 Volt Applications
For 120 volt applications, there should be three wires in the box. The expected color of the wires should be green (the green wire is ground, but it could also be a
bare wire rather than green), white (neutral), and black (phase also known as hot). Voltage between the phase and neutral conductors will be 115 volts nominal.
When connecting a receptacle (usually a NEMA X5-XX), the ground wire bonds to the green terminal, neutral bonds to the silver terminal, and hot bonds to the
copper-colored terminal. A qualified person can change a 120 volt dedicated box to a 240 volt box by connecting the neutral wire to a suitable dual-pole circuit
breaker on the opposite phase leg. This conductor shall bewrapped with black tape. A suitable 240 volt receptacle will be installed in the box.
- 240 Volt Applications
If the box is being used for a 240 volt application, there should be three wires
in the box. The expected colors of the wires should be green (the green wire is
ground, but it could also be a bare wire rather than green) and two black wires
(phase conductors). Voltage between the two phase conductors should be 240
Volts. When connecting a receptacle (usually a NEMA X6-XX), the green (or bare)
wire bonds to the ground lug and the phase conductors bond to the X and Y lugs
(either phase conductor can go to either lug). A qualified person can change a
240 volt box to a 120 volt box by taking one of the phase conductors and
connecting it to the neutral bus in the circuit breaker panel. This conductor
shall be wrapped with white tape. A suitable 120 volt receptacle will be
installed in the box.
Commercial Applications:
Generally a 120 / 208 volt, five wire system derived from a transformer with a
wye secondary is used in commercial applications. There are three hot phase
conductors (colored red, blue, and yellow), a neutral conductor (colored white),
and a ground wire (colored green). Some or all of these wires may show up in the
- 120 Volt Applications
For 120 volt applications, any one of the hot phase conductors will be connected
to the copper-colored terminal on a suitable NEMA X5-XX receptacle. The neutral
conductor will be connected to the silver terminal. The ground wire shall
connect to the green terminal.