Your PowerBass Bass Reflex Subwoofer system will operate at optimum performance after a break-in
period. Allow the system to play 20 to 30 hours at moderate levels. To sufficiently drive either the Dual
Woofer 10 or 12-inch system, we recommend using an amplifier with at least 300 watts RMS mono output.
Damage to the woofers can occur when an amplifier, regardless of its wattage, is made to play
at higher listening levels than its power can clearly produce (usually beyond the “1 to 2 o’clock” position
on the volume control). This results in very high levels of audible distortion. Contrary to popular belief, a
speaker is more likey to be damaged by trying to get too much volume from a low-powered amp than from
a high-powered amp.
Lack of bass output is usually caused by the subwoofer being out of phase with reference to the
rest of the system. In this case reversing the speaker connection from positive to negative on the terminal
cup will correct the problem.
The enclosure is constructed of the same non-resonant material used for premium quality home audio
speakers, but covered in vinyl instead of veneer. A damp cloth is best to wipe down any dirt on its surface.
Avoid using strong cleaners that may discolor the vinyl wrap. Never apply water or cleaner to the woofer