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Содержание QUICK SPLIT 24

Страница 1: ...fE ruffi rofft rrrprur uo frV6j totot Shively Road C R 46 Nappane tN46ss0 1ytr Ph 57 A624592 I I 866 50S 8085 ...

Страница 2: ...em andcompty witr Seaion 1442 of theCaltfomia PublicRe ources Code_ Theengineexhauat fiomthisequiprnent contains chemicabknorn t theStateof Catiiomia to causecancer birthdeffi orotherrcprcductive ham WARNING Thismanual nbinsvitalinfornstbniorthesab useandefici fi operatbnofthis ouiD ment Car fullyreadthis Operation aintenance Manualbefo using this equipment asfailure io adheG totheanstructions cou...

Страница 3: ...ylnbnndin Trainlng P eparalion Operstion Malnbnan Pedodic llainlensncoSd edub FuellnO Trsn8Fatalirr Lubdcalion OilandFuel Conbolg Siorage Malnbnarc Record Truble6hodng P inE Parb BEaldosrn Wamov PaSe 2 Page3 Page l Page5 Pag66 Page7 Page7 Pag eT Page8 PageI PaSe8 Pag I Page10 Page10 P4e 1 l Iboe 11 Pag 11 Page l1 Page11 12 Page 12 Page13 Page13 P ge1 17 Pag t8 ...

Страница 4: ...k andinstallwheel Repealonothersire STEP5 Removepjvorpinfromtank tifl mainbeamonlolank afld s tclaewithpin STEP7 Fastenhitchcouplerwnh 2 1 2x 3 botts 4 STEP6 At achhoseto properftting i om pump lo bollomofvalvetfromlilterlo top of vatve WARltllNG This unit ships with no oil in rcservoir or erginel IMPORTANT SetengineRPil at 3200beforeoperating skjd tumjack standto downposilion R ...

Страница 5: ...tands alloperating instructions asio itspmperus andopecrlionaswellasallsefe ty instructions Dokeepyour Nolkareectean Don tleavewoodlyingaroundlhatyoucoulct stumble over Ookeephandsandfeetclearof splitbr bladeandoutof splitbr arsawhileunitisin o0eraton DowipeupsftlledgEsoline dghla y tromtheengineandlogsplitbr betorestading thesp itter Docheckengiheoillevelandhydraulic oittevetbeforestartingthespli...

Страница 6: ...ave adequabventilalion Donotrefuelthelogsplitterwithihe enginerunningorifttE engineishol orif theop ratoris smoking orwhiletheunitisnearanyopenfame orotherignitionsource Donotoperatethelogsplitterif it isinne dof repaira or mainbnance 6eMces Donotmakeanymodifcation alterations orchanges toihe odginalconfguration oflhe log splitterThismaycausedeathorsedousinjuryandwjllvoidlhewarranty Donotloada log...

Страница 7: ...ling with lluids Moto oilshorJld beplaced intheengine crankcase accoding tolheinstructions iniheengine manufacture s instructional manuat Gasoline isthenputintotheengine fueltank ac cording to iheenginemanufachrrers operating manual Standadfuelingsafet procedures mugtbefollowed duringrefueling DONOTstartthetogsplitterengine untilhydraulic oitisaddedtothehydrautic system tlen flllng lhe hydraulic s...

Страница 8: ...gyourhands Stoptheengineandrelievehydraulic systempressure beforechanging oradjusting n ngs hoses tubing orother system components Do notadjust thepressure settings oflhepump orvatve Donotcheckforleakswithyourhands Leakscanbelocatedbypassing cardboard orwoodoverlie suspec ted areaoftheleak Looktordis toration lfvouareiniurcd byescapng hydraulic orl se kmedicataflentron rmmedialetv Senous infection...

Страница 9: ... adilsf edforsafeoperalion Donottuntheengine atexcessive speeds Ooing soincreases thehazard ofpersonat injury Do nottamperwithpartsthatmayincrease thespeed ecommended bythemanufacturer Alwayskeephandsandfeetawayfrommoving parts Always shutofftheengine whenadjusting orrepaidng thelogsptitter except asrecommended bythemanufacturea L Donotrunhe engane inanenctos d a ea Exhausl gascontains carbon mono...

Страница 10: ...rceisshutoff Topreventaccidental strarting remove thesparkplugwirefromthespafi plugandinsertthe teminalinfieV notch inthecytinder headbefore working ontheengine orlogsplater Checkto b sureall nutsandboltsaretightto assurethelogsplitterisinsafeworking condition Check engine oillevel andhydraulicoil levet Che ck thewearstripsonlheslideplateunderthecu ingwedge Allmodels equipped with w arslips should...

Страница 11: ...em Afbr every5 houc ot operation he togsplittershouldbestoppedand wilhtheramina relracted position thehydraulic oittevetshoutd bechecked ttshoutdbe1to 2 inches fromlhetopofthefller caphote lf a consideEble amountof to ing orovertheroaduseis necessary thewheelbearing thouldbepacked withwheEl bearinggreaseevery tOOO milesoroncea monthas needed Afrerevery50hoursof operation themotoroilshouldbechanged...

Страница 12: ...ICATION Additionalor Eplacement manuals maybeobtained fromKuhns po r Equipment LLC W lenlhe logsplinerha8beenreceived comptete thefollowingrecord Alwaysrnention thelogsditbr rnodelnumber whenordering orinquidng aboutpats orseDice _ For nvenience inordering partsarelistedbypsrtnumber description andquanlity lf in dolbt aslo whatpadisneeded senda tu de diption sketchorthepartitselfwiththeord r p ior...

Страница 13: ... tlosry dludftr PLd threfir cotot in FASP irion CL n or Eplre i h mr draidg R tr p rt pI4 6 djBt srp Enfi lu l r k nd r nll bnr rfth ft h ctsan It uB p rt ttu iE L sted poiody n Mr mc e y dj6tn n6 S t LFihltat forsh ttorertitting Ch n or FphE tir cl no nrido ch cl oll hwl dr4 oil Cle n rnd Fg p d ch nlo p6r ptug EnDty nd cb n tel t n i l E6ll rd cten En9iytudn fit fi fDtn wnhtrsh Emprytuel nk ande...

Страница 14: ...teSpacer KP7027 W6dgePlateHolder KP7028 JackStmd KP703l SuctiooHoso KP7032 SupplyHose36 KP7033 Cylind r Hose22 KP7034 RetumHose43 KP7036 PivotPin KP7039 BolLCan t 2 x2 4 KP7041 ClevisPitrI U4x31l2 KP2042 ValveStem KF1044 Fittiry250l 8 12 KP7048 Fitting6S0I NW0 8 8 KP7049 QSFetrdeBBasic KP0050 Honda cX270 KP705l QSTankOasic KP2l6l tabel Dary r KP7067 JaokLatohPin KP1075 Cylinder 4 5 x 24 24T YJ 107...

Страница 15: ...7011 29T 7075 24rJ ...

Страница 16: ...O16 KP1077 PARTSBREAKDOWN W dge QSHitch lvfain B dm Cyliod r 5x 24 29T Putrp 2Stage 16 n rr abc Sddy Chains Fiftef Head Filt r Tire5 30x 12 HitohCoupler JaokStmd HosgSuctiotr Ho6eSwply H6e cylirdcr 22 HGe Rdrn Rulrb r Bunf er Bo Ca 112 x2ll4 Fittiog 2503 8 8 Fiting 6801 NW0 8 8 F s QSTaok Basic PrryMottr6tp hry Mount9hp rr ah E Bradct Hose cylhder U Bolt Ade Cyliadftr 4 s xU 24T AxlcRigid Bem Lalc...

Страница 17: ...7 tsi 70127o 6e4rt 7055 29r ...

Страница 18: ...i itiigisigii ggii F i A 6 9 t 9 5fr a 9 in q q iE B F C 3 i 9 n i d i 9 e 8 g E E 4 i ei o 9 5 i e jlE F o i ggF l 45 g4ile q e 3 4 l i E a E l q aisq ql8 3 d sili ae eFFP iiealE i r4E Eg aE H g r 3 i 1 I r g si E E c d gAE 6 s9 6 2 a g i i B S 9iq a ite g e 3 3E si r 6 i i q e i f 6 l l 5 8 e c A 5 4 g 3 E I g F 6 E 4 H i c a 9 C F l 8 ...
