Assembly Instructions
Charge the Battery
Before assembling your PowaCycle, you should charge the battery. This will allow you to test
the electrical connections during assembly. Normally charging takes from 6 to 8 hours to fully
charge the battery, however the first charge can take up to 12 hours. When charged, the LED
turns from red to green. Please note - the battery will deteriorate if it is left uncharged. Begin
by removing the battery from the frame.
A lever at the base of the saddle column releases it, allowing
the hinged saddle to be lifted clear out of the path of the
battery, making it accessible for removal.
Lift the handle on the battery and slide the battery from the
base housing. The battery can now be connected to the
Charge the battery away from water or combustible material.
Connect the round-ended charger plug to the battery socket.
Plug the charger into a 220/240V mains supply and switch it
on at the plug.
For the first charge allow up to 12 hours, thereafter only 6-8
hours are needed.