8830143 - REV B
Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC
St. Louis, MO
Phone: 800-325-3936
Speaker Base
Detector Base Mounting
Locking Feature
PAD100-SPKB should be mounted directly on an electrical box (see
Figure 1) or the LFSBBB-W back box (see Figure 2). The PAD100-
SPKB mounting holes are configured for a 4” x 2-1/8” deep square
box. Use a box for each base and run the power circuit to all base
Eliminate the Locking Feature
PAD100-SPKB include a locking feature that prevents removal of the
detector and removal of the base cover without using a tool.
1. To eliminate this feature, break off the locking tab and then install
the detector. See Fig. 3.
Removing of Detector Head from Base
2. To remove the detector from the base once the locking feature has
been activated, insert a small screwdriver into the slot on the base to
push the plastic tab while simultaneously turning the detector head
counter-clockwise. See Fig. 4.
3. To remove the base cover from the lower enclosure once the locking
feature has been activated, insert a small screwdriver into the slot on
the on the base to push the plastic tab while simultaneously turning the
detector head counter-clockwise.
Four screws are
provided, two for
securing speaker to
the back box and two
for aesthetics. The two
non-functional screws
will be held in place
by the pressure fit of
the faceplate.
Mount the detector
bracket to the back box
using the mounting
Break off tab (gray
area) in image to disable
locking feature.
Insert small screwdriver
into slot to remove
detector from base.
Fig. 1
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Mount the detector
bracket to the back box
using the mounting
Fig. 2
Four screws are
provided, two for
securing speaker to
the back box and two
for aesthetics. The two
non-functional screws
will be held in place
by the pressure fit of
the faceplate.