Part 7
Press both the power and the feed button
together to turn on the printer, the printer will
perform a self test and print out test result as in the
example at right.
There are several important information
contained in the printout, what noted here are only
examples. Actual result will show different data from
the example.
A “Pairing” between a mobile printer MP-300 and a mobile terminal
MT-2000 series has to be established before the MP-300 can start service for
the specific terminal. The MP-300 supports the “Pairing mode” in the first 40
seconds from being powered up. In the “Pairing mode”, the MP-300 can
respond to the BlueTooth Scan command from MT-2000 series. The MP-300
responds only to the WakeUp command or normal operation commands from
an already paired MT-2000 series mobile terminal after this period. An
established “Pairing” relationship remains effective even after MP-300 power
recycle (turn off and then turn on again) and termination and re-engagement of
application program in MT-2000 series. In other words, MT-2000 series needs
only to “WakeUp” the relationship instead of re-doing the “Scan” in such
circumstances. However, for a MP-300 to serve for another new MT-2000
series, the new “Pairing” relationship must be established with the new
terminal. In other words, the MP-300 must be set in “Pairing mode” again and
do “Scan” from the new MT-2000 series.