PMPRSH1196 - 001
Leaders in Aviation and Maritime Life Support Products
Only competent users who have received training
should use this equipment. (Refer to the AS/NZS
selection, use and maintenance.)
Personal energy absorbers that absorb energy by
permanent deformation or destructive action must
be discarded if that process has commenced.
No modifications or alterations are to be made
to the equipment, this will make the Standard
compliance and warranty null and void
Ensure that the harness or webbing does not
come into contact with high temperature surfaces,
welding, heat sources, electrical hazards or
moving machinery. Specially designed harnesses
with high heat webbing is available for specialized
heat applications
If the equipment is used in areas, or comes into
contact with hazardous chemicals, e.g. cleaning
materials or atmospheres that may cause damage
to the product, contact the m anufacturer to see if
it is still suitable for use.
All equipment that has been involved in
preventing a fall or significant loading must be
withdrawn from service and destroyed