Humidity: ≤ 90% RH
Storage Environment
Temperature: -10 - +50℃
Humidity: ≤ 90% RH
Compliance with European Directives
The scale complies with the statutory Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
★Note: For Indoor use only. The displayed value may be adversely a ected under extreme
electromagnetic influences.
Compliance with FCC Rules
The scale complies with part 15 of the FCC rules and contains the FCC ID: XXXXXXXXXXXX.
Maintaining the Scale
Clean the scale with a soft dry cloth or a cloth moistened with water and a mild
detergent. Never use alcohol or other harsh chemicals to clean the scale.
Remove the batteries from the battery compartment, when the scale is not going to be
used for a long time.
How the Wireless Connection Works
At the end of the measurement, your weight will be sent automatically to your tablet. You
do not need to do anything.
Before Requesting Service
Corrective Action
Nothing is displayed by
stepping on the scale.
Check the battery installation.
Replace with rour new batteries.
There is a large difference
between estimated weight and
data measurement.
Remove any foreign objects that
might be touching the bottom of
the scale.
If you cannot locate and fix the problem, contact your supplier.