NOTE: Your Port City Orleans amp was wired for 120 volt AC power. Export versions are available,
but ensure that this what you have before powering the Orleans with a di
erent voltage
Plug your bass in
First, turn the Volume knob down – counterclockwise – as far as it will go. Then plug your
-inch plug
(standard guitar cord) into the input jack of the amplifier and plug the other end into your bass.
Turn it on
The Power Switch turns your amplifier ON and OFF. The indicator lamp glows when the amplifier is
turned on. There is an initial warm-up time for tube amps, so allow your amp 1-2 minutes after turning
on the power switch before turning o
standby and beginning to play.
Turn standby o
Doing this sends the audio signal/load to the speaker. Make sure your Orleans is connected to a
speaker cabinet before doing this!
Turn it up
Turn your guitar’s volume knob up, turn the amplifier volume knob up, and rain down thunder grooves
from the cosmos…
ects Loop
The Orleans has a tube bu
ered e
ects loop. If you choose to use this for your time based e
connect the send jack to the in of your e
ect pedal(s) via a standard guitar cable. From the out of
your pedal(s) plug into the return jack with another cable.
More technical information
Circuit Topology
The preamp and power stage signal paths are both 100% tube. The combination of three dual triode
tubes along with four 6L6 based power tubes yields 100 watts RMS output.
Amplifier Maintenance
Besides the normal replacement of the indicator light and vacuum tubes/valves, your Orleans
amplifier should require very little maintenance. However, if you notice a change in the performance
or the sound of the amp, or if have any questions regarding your amp’s performance please contact
Port City Amplification.