- Servo Motor Controller Board
The SV203 is a PIC16C73 microcontroller based servo motor
controller board that accepts RS-232 serial data from a host
computer and outputs PWM (pulse-width-modulated) signals to
control up to eight RC (radio-controlled, i.e. model airplanes, cars,
etc.) servo motors. Unused servo pins can be reconfigured as digital
outputs for controlling on/off devices. LED displays can be driven
directly by the pins but devices such as relays and solenoids may
need a simple transistor driver circuit.
There is also a 5-channel A/D port for reading analog voltage
between 0-5 volts, and a SPI (synchronous peripheral interface)
port which allows data to be shifted in or out serially.
The SV203B/C has the added feature of being able to run a
standalone BASIC program stored on board an 8K EEPROM. An
optional IR-Receiver/Transmitter (IR100) is also available to allow
Infrared Serial Communications.