Video Bitrate (Mbps)
Bandwidth for video of the respective encoder
Mbps …19.5 Mbps
Standard: 14 Mbps
H.264 Profile
Definition of the profile according to the specific application
Automatic, Baseline Profile, Main Profile, High Profile
Standard: Main Profile
Out Resolution
If the "Auto Config" selection box is not selected, the resolution of the signal must be defined in this menu
item. This must correspond to the actual values of the encoder input signal.
1920*1080_60i, 1920*1080_50i, 1440*1080_60i, 1440*1080_50i, 1280*720_60p, 1280*720_50p,
720*480_60i, 720*576_50i
If video format H.264 is selected, it follows the format of the applied HDMI input signal with 1920*1080_60p or
1920*1080_50p and cannot be selected.
PCR Interval
Configuration of the PCR interval based on specified application
1 ms…500 ms
Standard: 20 ms
Field/Picture Encoding
Configuration of the encoding format based on specific application
Field, Picture
Standard: Picture
Low Delay
Delay of the output signal
Standard: Normal
Normal (without delay),
Mode 1 (1.2 ms, B frame=0, P frame=14, DTS=1),
Mode 2 (2.65 ms, B frame=2, P frame=4, DTS=1),
Manual (if DTS delay changeable,
B frame (≤3), P frame (≤6) und DTS)
H.264 Level
Definition of the level according to the specific application
This refers to the maximum Macro blocking, the frame size, and the maximum video bit rate
Level 2.2, Level 3, Level 3.1, Level 3.2, Level 4,
Standard: Level 4.0
Level 4.1, Level 4.2, Level 5, Level 5.1
Share PCR PID (Selection box)
Send a PCR-PID
2. Audio
Set the audio format for the MPEG data stream
Mpeg2 (MPEG 1 LII), Mpeg2 AAC, Mpeg4 AAC, AC 3
Standard: Mpeg2
Audio Gain (0 - 400%)
Configuration of the audio gain of the respective encoder
-> Consider possible overdriving of the signal!
Standard: 100%
Configuration of the audio data rate of the respective encoder
64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 320 kbps
Standard: 192 kbps
Audio Delay
Delay of the output signal
Standard: 0 ms
1000 ms…1000 ms
3. Status
The status information about the input signal (input detection, bit rate) and the encoder chipset is displayed in this
With the "Apply" button the values selected in the menu are set.