Release Notes
ViaVideo 5.1
TCP 389
3. Use the following command to configure conduits or access points:
conduit permit tcp host eq port any
Where is the external IP address of the endpoint.
4. If an endpoint receives inbound video calls from outside the LAN, use the
following command to create a static connection for each internal endpoint:
static (inside,outside) iii.iii.iii.iii netmask 0 0
Use call rates of 256K or higher when using a Pix firewall. Calls at lower rates may
experience one-way audio.
Global Management System
GMS managers may notice incorrect caller ID listed under the Call Status tab in the GMS
manager. This occurs when a ViaVideo is in a videoconference call with a ViewStation
ViaVideo users may notice an “Audio Only” icon in the PIP window when a call is
received from an MC8000. This is an interoperability issue with the MC8000.
ViaVideo 5.0 does not support sending snapshots when in a conference call with a
MGC100 using H.261 protocols. To correct: Reestablish call using H.263 protocols.
Users may experience ghosting and freezing image video when in a videoconference call
with an MGC100 bridge running software version 5.0. MGC version v5.1 addresses this
Microsoft ISA Firewall
Microsoft ISA firewall does not work with videoconferencing systems. Please contact
Microsoft about this issue.
Microsoft NAT MN-100
When you use this version with the Microsoft NAT MN-100, setting the NAT to use
Application Port Forwarding results in frozen video. To avoid this problem, you must
configure the NAT to use Persistent Port Forwarding.
Users may experience an audio screech when in a Conference on Demand call. This is
caused when one or more of the conference parties are placed on mute. To correct, users
should un-mute the far sites.
T.120 is not supported in a Conference on Demand call.
Users may experience poor video quality when only one endpoint is using PathNavigator
5.0. Use one of the following options to correct:
Register both end points with PathNavigator 5.0.
De-select PathNavigator and re-establish the call.
Sony 1600PCS
Users will experience an audio only call when connecting to a Sony 1600PCS
videoconferencing system.
updated 10.14.2003
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