Deployment Guide for the Polycom CX700 IP Phone
Step 1.3 - Configure Certificates
Two approaches to configure certificates are provided. By default, a Windows
2008 / 2003 Enterprise Certificate Authority (CA) will publish the trusted root
certificate chain in Active Directory automatically.
To determine whether you need to run certutil, you can confirm that the
certificate chain is present by running ADSIedit.msc to check the
Configuration naming context for the following entry under CN=Certification
Authorities (you should see your Enterprise CA listed with a Class type of
Once you’ve determined that your Enterprise CA is listed, you can confirm
that the Trusted Root certificate chain actually uploaded by double-clicking on
your Enterprise CA (CN=ContosoCA in the example) and look for the
cACertificate attribute. It should be populated because this is the data
(basically .CER file) that the Polycom CX700 phone pulls down from Active
Directory to populate its Trusted Root Certificate cache in order to trust the
pools internally issued certificate (refer to the following figure).