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To set up your Voicemail box, press the ‘Message’ key on your phone or dial ‘star’ plus your 
mailbox number (e.g. *100), then select ‘Dial’ or ‘Send.’ You will be prompted to enter a 
password (default is your extension number). Once keyed in, please listen to the recording 
to input your name for the Contact Directory, your Unavailable message and your Busy 
message. Once this is completed, you will have access to your voicemail and mailbox 
options. *Note: Change your pin when prompted. Do not reuse the default pin.

Checking Voicemail

Press the ‘Message’ button or enter ‘*’ and your mailbox number followed by ‘Dial’ or ‘Send.’
Enter your password and follow the prompts below:

Main Menu Options

Press 1 to listen to new messages. If you have old messages saved, this will be option 2
Press 2 to change folders
Press 3 for advanced options

Press 1 to leave a message for another user

Press * to return to the main menu

Press 0 for mailbox options


Press 1 to record an unavailable greeting


Press 2 to record a busy greeting


Press 3 to record name


Press 4 to record a temporary greeting


Press 5 to change password

Press * to return to main menu
Press # to exit

For more customer resources visit

To contact customer support call 856.210.5800 and select option 1
Or submit a non-emergency support request at

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Voicemail Setup for Ancero Utility VoIP Phones
