Building Site Layout
B = 4 ft.
A = 3 ft.
C = 5 ft.
B = 4'
A = 3'
C = 5'
Adjust corner stakes
together until diagonals
are equal.
An orange masons
line is easier to see.
20' or 24'
Temporary stakes
24" Min.
Masons line
20' or 24'
Masons line
Same dimension used in S
tep #2
B = 4'
A = 3'
C = 5'
Dimension based on FieldPro length ordered
Masons line
Place a stake at point #4. Attach a masons line
from stake #1 to stake #4. Use the 3 • 4 • 5
Triangle Method to square up the corner
at stake #1 to establish a 90° corner.
Attach a masons line from Stake #3
to Stake #4. Make sure all lines are
level. Verify that both corner-to-corner
measurements are the same.
Adjust Stakes #3 and #4 in unison
until both diagonal measurements
are the same.
Drive in the first stake at point #1. Depending on which FieldPro
model you have ordered, measure over 20' or 24' and drive in
a second stake at point #2. Attach a twisted masons line between
stakes #1 and #2 approximately 12" above ground. Use a line level
to level the masons line.
Based on the length of the FieldPro you have
ordered, place a stake at point #3. Attach a masons
line from Stake #2 to stake #3. Use the 3 • 4 • 5
Triangle Method to square up the corner at stake
#2 to establish a 90° corner.
Using the 3:4:5 Triangle Method to “Square Up” Your Building Site
The “3:4:5 Triangle Method” of laying out a building site produces 90º
corners as shown in the diagram. It forces your foundation layout to
be a perfect rectangle instead of a parallelogram. To verify if a corner
is 90°, place a mark on the masons line 3 feet from the corner.
Place another mark on the adjacent masons line 4 feet from the corner.
The distance from the 3 ft. mark to the 4 ft. mark should be exactly 5 ft.