BZ on the shield; if you alternate between driving it high and low at a given frequency, the buzzer will produce
sound at that frequency.
uses hardware PWM to play notes on the buzzer, with
digital pin 3
(OC2B) on an Arduino
or an older Arduino, or with
digital pin 6
(OC4D) on an Arduino
. A jumper is provided to connect the BZ input to the appropriate Arduino output, as detailed in
Front expansion area
A number of I/O, power, and ground connections are brought to the front of the Zumo Shield to allow the
mounting of additional sensors and other components. The pinout of this front expansion area is detailed in
3-axis compass module
The Zumo Shield includes an onboard LSM303DLHC 3-axis compass module, which can be used to sense
acceleration and magnetic field direction for advanced applications. The compass module is detailed in
3.b. Front expansion
The pins in the front expansion area of the Zumo Shield are shown in the following diagram:
This diagram is also available as a downloadable PDF:
Zumo Shield front expansion pinout
(552k pdf)
The front expansion makes available digital pins 2, 4, 5, and 11 and analog pins A0 through A5. It also provides
access to the two I²C pins (SDA and SCL). However, please note that the I²C pins are
independent pins;
they are respectively duplicates of analog pins A4 and A5 on the Uno R3, and digital pins 2 and 3 on the
Leonardo. Typically, you will only be able to use these pins for either I²C communication or general I/O, not both.
Additionally, pin A1 is used to monitor the battery voltage if you install the battery monitor jumper.
Please note that only components and connectors in the front three rows of pins can extend below the shield; the
fourth row covers the chassis and is only suitable for components mounted above the shield.
Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino User's Guide
© 2001–2012 Pololu Corporation
3. The Zumo Shield in detail
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