Special Features
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HD Radio
Technology & Multicasting
A Revolution In Radio
In what is the biggest tech-
nological change to radio
since the introduction of
FM in 1961, HD Radio
technology is setting the
standard for digital AM
and FM radio in the US
and around the world.
HD Radio technology is
transforming the radio
experience in ways never
thought possible. HD
Radio broadcasting offers
listeners of AM and FM
Radio the quality, choice
and interactive data ser-
vices consumers have
come to expect from
digital technologies, and
it is all subscription-free.
Multicasting, which is
the ability to broadcast
multiple program streams
over a single FM fre-
quency (97.7-2, 97.7-3,
etc.), thereby increasing
the amount and diversity
of content choices
Static-free, crystal-clear
CD-quality sound on FM
Digital AM; FM-stereo
quality sound on AM
Stations stay in their
well-known, traditional
place on the radio dial
A variety of “data
services” that could
range from text-based
information (artist name,
song title, weather alerts,
school closings and
more) to live traffic
reports, all of which
would scroll across
your receiver display.
HD Radio receivers can
also receive conventional
analog broadcasts.
To find HD Radio stations
in your area, please visit
HD Radio
Technology Manu-
factured Under License From
iBiquity Digital Corporation.
iBiquity Digital and the HD Radio
and HD Symbols are trademarks
of iBiquity Digital Corporation.
U.S. and Foreign Patents.
station broadcasting
in High Definition
station broadcasting
in High Definition