Adjusting the wheel RPM:
If count is
less than 30 RPM
If an adjustable valve is installed on the
cleaner line, open it completely so water
can flow freely to the Polaris
Check the filter screen in the in-line filter
for debris that restricts water flow.
Clean the skimmer, filter and pump basket,
clearing debris that restricts
water flow.
Check the hoses, connections and
swivels for leaks that cause loss of
water pressure.
Remove the blue restrictor disk from
the UWF.
If count is
more than 36 RPM
Replace the blue restrictor disk in the UWF
with the red restrictor. If the flow is still too
high, unscrew the pressure relief valve until
the proper RPM is reached. Note: The
pressure relief valve should only be
adjusted when a restrictor is installed.
If an adjustable valve is installed on the
cleaner line, adjust it to reduce the water
flow to the cleaner.