Card Scanning
This is the special design for plastic card scan. Besides A6 documents, you can
insert up to 1.1 mm thickness plastic card for scanning. Plastic cards include:
emboss/credit card, driver license, ID card, medic-care or any membership cards.
Make sure to load the embossed face of the embossed card face up into the scanner.
Plastic card scanning
To scan the plastic card, please follow the steps:
1. Please change the button setting from the DocAction window. Align the plastic
card to the arrow sign on the left of the scanner.
2. Press the Scan Button. The scanning starts immediately.
3. If you have the "Continuous scan" option checked, insert another card until you
have scanned all.
4. When the scan completes, the scanned images will be saved to the defined file
path as separate image files and sent to the assigned post-processing software.
(e.g. File, Program, PDF, OCR, E-mail, or Printer)
Business card scanning
To scan the business card, please follow the steps:
1. Please change the button setting from the DocAction window. Align the
business card to the arrow sign on the left of the scanner.
2. The steps 2 to 4 please refer to the same steps of the “Plastic card scanning”.