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Mastering the Art of Soldering
5. It is very important for the PCB not to move during the soldering process. PCB can be
gripped by a vise to prevent it from moving as seen below.
4.4 What To Do and Not To Do When Soldering
Soldering may seem to be a complicated task and may appear difficult to do but with a little
practice using this guide, it can be quite simple afterwards. Before we proceed to the step-
by-step instructions on how to solder a component, there are dos and don’ts that you need
to know about soldering. The
mark will indicate things that you should avoid.
1. Do not apply excessive pressure
Try not to apply too much pressure with the soldering iron on the PCB or the parts being
soldered. It won't help in soldering the joints more rapidly, but will only just harm the plating
and can even destroy the best tips.
Just apply enough pressure on the PCB so as not to destroy the board or the
components being soldered.