the following operations. Press the center icon to
shoot a picture, press the right icon to film a video,
Press the photo icon to show the latest captured
picture or video.
5.6.1 New Alarm
Enter the clock menu and press alarm icon to
add a new alarm. Drag the scrollbar to set alarm time.
Choose “settings” to edit the activity, alarm time,
repeat, alarm tone, vibration and tag, press “done” to
finish the setting. If you need to change the settings
(reset), choose "edit alarm". If you want to delete the
alarm, press "delete alarm".
Enter the Contacts interface, you can check all
the contacts, search for contacts or add new contact.
New contact means a newly added phone number
that is recorded in the SIM card or the handset.
When adding a new contact, you can type in the
name, address, phone number, workplace, more
phone number, handling/work place/ other email
address and so on.
You can also check call history and contact