Box Contents
Check the contents of the box.
Make sure you’ve got everything you paid for.
Compare what you find in the box with the tables
on the following pages.
What you should find in your Plextor box depends on two factors: 1) what configu-
ration you purchased; and 2) what the company that sold you the box put in----or took
out----while it was in their possession.
Plextor currently sells its UltraPleX drives in three configurations:
1) Drive Only
2) Drive with SCSI Interface Kit
3) Drive with Mac Kit
The configuration you received is indicated by stickers applied to your box.
Your drive may also have been integrated into a computer system or subsystem
sold by a third party.
A security sticker was applied to the top of your box. The contents of your
box were carefully checked before this sticker was applied. If it was cut
before you purchased the box, you should carefully check the contents
to ensure nothing has been removed. If something is missing, you should
contact the party from whom you purchased the box for an explanation.
There may be a perfectly good reason why the security sticker on the box was cut
before you received it. For example, a dealer may have purchased a ‘‘Drive Only’’
configuration from Plextor, then added a SCSI interface board and/or software he had
purchased separately before selling the box to you.
If your drive came pre-installed in a computer, the rails, cables, interface
boards, software, and other parts shown on the following pages may have
been installed and may not be separately available.
---- CHAPTER 2 ----