802.3af PoE SIP
IP Phone
Modification the Tone type and tone parameters.
Tone Type
Choose tone type form China, US, Hong Kong and KR…..Beside
Custom item the other tone type already defin in the system.
The Min value of VIP-256PT’s jitter delay, VIP-256PT’s jitter is an
Min Jitter Delay (ms)
adaptive jitter mechanism.
Max Jitter Delay (ms)
The Max value of VIP-256PT
VIP-256PT’s jitter is an
’s jitter delay,
adaptive jitter mechanism.
Hook-On T
How long VIP-256PT will delay to sound hook-on tone when call party
one Delay
end call.
Ringing Time(Sec)
How long VIP-256PT will ring
Busy Tone
Before the busy tone VIP-256PT will send the delay tone (like di,di.),
this parameter defind how long the delay tone is.