3.5.7 IP Notification
In case the IP address is changed, system is able to send out an email to alert someone if the
function is enabled.
SMTP Notification (e-mail):
If enable this function, then the “
Send to
“ and “
” field
need to be filled.
Send To:
s address is used for
Type the receiver’s e-mail address. Thi
reply mail.
Type the subject/title of the E-mail.
TCP Notification:
If enable this function, then the “
TCP Server
“, “
TCP Port
and “
” fields need to be
TCP Server:
Type the server name or the IP address of the TCP server.
TCP Port:
Set port number of TCP server.
The message will be sent to FTP server.
HTTP Notification:
If enable this function, then the fields below need to be filled.
Type the server name or the IP address of the HTTP server