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2. Please move and right-click the mouse button for Ethernet
Controller item and select “Update Driver Software”.
4. Please click “Browse” to specify the driver location to install.
(Assume "E:\DR-ENW-9720P_9740P" is the directory
where driver files are located.) Click “Next” to continue.
The driver is being installed.
3. Please select “Browse my computer for driver software”
for the next step.
5. Click the “Close” button to complete the driver installation.
For more details, please refer to the manual found on the
Customer Support
Thank you for purchasing PLANET products. You can browse
our online FAQ resource on PLANET web site first to check if it
could solve your issue. If you need more support information,
please contact PLANET switch support team.
PLANET online FAQs:
Support team mail address:
[email protected]
ENW-9720P/ENW-9740P User’s Manual: