BM-2010A / BM-2100 Bandwidth Manager User
s Manual
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You can choose each policy that you want to view. And you can choose several kinds of period that you want
it to display. The graph report shows both inbound and outbound traffic.
4.3.9 Customize
This function offers system administrator to easily collect network bandwidth usage rate information to report.
The Bandwidth Manager will record the traffic of all the defined host catalog, service catalog and policy and
save the following data in a specified time period:
The average bandwidth usage per minute for past 12 hours
The average bandwidth usage per 10 minutes for past 60 hours
The average bandwidth usage per hour for past 10 days
The average bandwidth usage per day for past 360 days (1 year)
Thus, when you use customize to show the bandwidth usage statistic, please make sure you do not use a
time period that Bandwidth Manager does not record.
Customized report title.
Type of report. Three options provided: Internal host / service / bandwidth policy.
Choose several periods that you wants to do a routine record in our report
End Time:
Stop to record network bandwidth usage rate in this report.
Disabled no data:
If there is no data in some item. You may decide that enable or disable these items
display on the report.
button to generate a report you have customized