Configure MRPP ring
Global Mode
mrpp ring <ring-id>
no mrpp ring <ring-id>
Create MRPP ring. The “no” command
deletes MRPP ring and its configuration.
MRPP ring mode
control-vlan <vid>
no control-vlan
Configure control VLAN ID, format “no”
deletes configured control VLAN ID.
node-mode {master | transit}
Configure node type of MRPP ring (primary
node or secondary node).
hello-timer < timer>
no hello-timer
Configure Hello packet timer sending from
primary node of MRPP ring, format “no”
restores default timer value.
fail-timer <timer>
no fail-timer
Configure Hello packet overtime timer
sending from primary node of MRPP ring,
format “no” restores default timer value.
no enable
Enable MRPP ring, format “no” disables
enabled MRPP ring.
Port mode
mrpp ring <ring-id> primary-port
no mrpp ring <ring-id> primary-port
Specify primary port of MRPP ring.
mrpp ring <ring-id> secondary-port
no mrpp ring <ring-id> secondary-port
Specify secondary port of MRPP ring.
3) Display and debug MRPP relevant information
Admin Mode
debug mrpp
no debug mrpp
Disable MRPP module debug information,
format “no” disable MRPP debug
information output.
show mrpp {<ring-id>}
Display MRPP ring configuration
show mrpp statistics {<ring-id>}
Display receiving data packet statistic
information of MRPP ring.
clear mrpp statistics {<ring-id>}
Clear receiving data packet statistic
information of MRPP ring.