8. UndercoverEye 12V Battery & Charger
Included with your UndercoverEye unit is a
rechargeable 12V Li-Ion battery and 12V
charger. The 12V battery is completely
removable from the UndercoverEye unit for
replacing or recharging. To recharge the 12V
battery simply the battery to the wall charging
unit as shown.
When charging the red LED on the wall
charger will be lit and will change to green
when the 12V battery is fully charged.
Replacement 12V batteries can be
purchased from
9. Using Personal Video Players (PVP)
Personal Video Players or PVP's are a great tool for your
UndercoverEye. Many PVP's today come with a large
internal memory or hard disk, which means you can
download your videos from the UndercoverEye memory
card to the PVP when checking your camera system. This
means you no longer have to purchase 2 memory cards per
system, which will save you money in the long run too.
Simply plug in your memory card into the PVP and watch
the movie clips your UndercoverEye has captured (
only on
PVP devices with CF card slots
). Most PVP's also have a
TV input, so you can plug the TV output cable from your
UndercoverEye into the TV input of the PVP and change
DVR settings in the field.
Once you return from the field simply plug your PVP into
your Home PC via the USB port (found on almost every
PVP) and download the photos to your PC.