Calibrating the Analog Delay Continued...
Use a sine wave from an oscillator to calibrate the Analog Delay. Set trim pot 6
as described above. Set the Rate control knob to 12 o’clock and listen to the mix
output. Adjust trim pot 4 as described above to set the desired feedback level.
Adjust trim pot 3 and 5 so that the delay signal is audible. Typical settings are
trim pot 3 between 10 and 12 o’clock and trim pot 5 between 9 and 11 o’clock.
Once a signal is audible, adjust trim pot 3 left until the delay signal fades then
adjust trim pot 3 right until the delay signal returns and fades. The delay signal
will sound best when the trim pot is set in the middle of these settings. Next
adjust trim pot 5 left until the delay signal fades then adjust trim pot 5 right until
the delay signal returns and fades. The delay signal will sound best when the
trim pot is set in the middle of these settings. Continue to switch between trim pot
3 and trim pot 5 until the delay signal sounds clean and clear. Once the
calibration is finished, test the delay with other waveforms.
Analog Delay Specs
Size: 16hp
Depth: 35mm
Power: +-12v
Power Usage: TBD
Power Cable is attached negative voltage (-12v) down.
Questions, Comments, Support:
Pittsburgh Modular Analog Delay Manual