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Be sure that you’ve made all the proper connections from your robot to the R/C controller before power-up. When the 

TETRIX MAX R/C Motor Controller is powered on, you should see the mode LED flash three times. This indicates that the 

controller is initializing. The LED will then either stay on or go off depending on which mode the controller is in. After this is 

complete, you can adjust the trimmer controls on your gamepad as desired.

Mode Switch

There are several ways to configure the R/C motor controller and gamepad. First, the R/C motor controller has two different 

modes – independent channel mode (sometimes called tank-drive mode) and mix channel mode (sometimes called single-

stick mode). You can toggle between these modes by pressing the Mode button on the R/C motor controller. When the 

LED near the Mode button is on, the controller is in mix channel mode. When the LED is off, the controller is in independent 

channel mode. Each time the controller is powered up, it will remember which mode it was previously in and start in that 


Independent Channel Mode (Tank Drive)

For independent channel mode, the mode LED on the controller must be off. In this mode, each motor is controlled 

independently by two different joysticks on the gamepad. For a typical mobile robot, the up-and-down movement of the 

left joystick controls forward and backward motion on the left motor. The up-and-down movement on the right joystick 

controls forward and backward motion on the right motor. To move the robot forward, both joysticks are pushed forward at 

the same rate. To turn, only one joystick is moved.

Mix Channel Mode (Single-Stick Drive)

For mix channel mode, the mode LED on the controller must be on. In this mode, some behind-the-scenes calculations 

done by the controller allow a typical mobile robot to be controlled by a single joystick on the gamepad. Usually, a joystick’s 

up-and-down movement controls the forward and backward motion while the joystick’s left and right movement causes 

the robot to turn. This lets you drive a robot with one hand and frees up the other joystick for controlling other elements 

such as servos.

Left Motor



Right Motor


